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Come say hello at our office HQ.


Mon-Fri from 8am to 5pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is nine™?

nine™ is one of the world's first "nootropics" vitamin drinks. It is specially developed to provide everything you need to handle a mentally demanding day and increase your productivity through enhanced focus and concentration.

Anyone can drink nine™, but our products are especially well-suited for individuals who need increased focus, concentration, and mental energy, such as students and people with long days requiring mental resilience. Many of our customers report a noticeable boost in productivity when they drink nine™ before or during a demanding task.

Nootropics is a collective term for active substances that influence your mental, cognitive state, such as by enhancing focus and sharpening concentration. There are many different nootropics, but we have created a unique blend of 9 nootropics that together provide the perfect balance between focus and energy.

The experience varies from person to person after drinking a can of nine™. Many people feel increased focus and an enhanced ability to work concentrated, whether studying or on the job. It's important to remember that the effect of nine™ is also significantly influenced by your other food and drink intake. For optimal, balanced effect, it's recommended to consume nine™ with or shortly after a light meal.

nine™ is specially developed to enhance focus and concentration as well as provide a balanced energy boost. Therefore, nine™ contains a wide range of so-called nootropic ingredients, all scientifically proven to affect the brain and its functionality. The only thing nine™ shares with conventional energy drinks is caffeine.

We recommend up to 1-2 cans per day, depending on your needs. For a normal work or study day, it's best to have one in the morning with breakfast and another in the afternoon after lunch. We do not recommend drinking nine™ within 8 hours of planned sleep, as it may cause sleep disturbances.

In short, yes. nine™ has a carefully balanced amount of caffeine and L-theanine (found in green tea extract) that together provide a more balanced energy boost than pure caffeine. nine™ can either supplement your existing routine or effectively replace your intake of other beverages.

Each can of nine™ contains about the same amount as an average cup of coffee, approximately 80mg. The Danish Food Administration recommends a maximum daily intake of 400mg of caffeine. So, you can safely drink nine™ without worrying about the caffeine content.

We only use ingredients and dosages that fully comply with the recommendations and guidelines of the Danish Food Administration. It is completely safe to consume nine™, even over a long period.

A whole can of FRESH LEMON contains 25 calories from sugar, which is roughly equivalent to half an apple. We chose to make FRESH LEMON low-calorie instead of ZERO SUGAR because it provides a sweetness more like regular sugar. Taste preferences vary from person to person, and we wanted to create a variant that doesn't have the characteristic taste of sweeteners that ZERO products often have.

The FRESH LEMON variant is registered as a dietary supplement with the Danish Food Administration, so we are not allowed to list calories, sugar, fat, etc., as in a regular nutritional declaration on the can itself. Each can contains 25 calories from sugar, roughly equivalent to half an apple. Therefore, there are relatively few calories in a can of FRESH LEMON compared to a soda or energy drink, which typically contains 200-250 calories from sugar. Because FRESH LEMON is registered as a dietary supplement, we can include higher amounts of Choline and Magnesium in this variant compared to WHITE PEACH.

Yes, nine™ is all of these!

You can find both the nutritional content and ingredient list under each product on the product pages. Additionally, you can read about each ingredient and its effects under Ingredients.

As with all nootropics, we recommend taking a break now and then to ensure that your body does not build up a tolerance, which would reduce the effect over time. If you drink nine™ daily, we recommend taking a one-week break approximately every 3 months. However, if you already take breaks on weekends or similar, it's not necessary.

Uniquely, we have partnered with the Danish NGO Plastic Change, which works to reduce plastic consumption both locally in Denmark and across the EU. You can read more about the partnership here. This partnership means we donate a fixed amount per can sold to Plastic Change - we call it "Buy one, reduce one." Additionally, our products are made from 100% recyclable aluminum, and we always strive to choose sustainable transport solutions in our production. For example, all business orders in Greater Copenhagen are delivered by either electric bicycle or electric car.






    Din kurv
    Din kurv er tom

    NINE™ Hoodie

    399 kr.

    199 kr.

    Ved køb af minimum 24 stk. Nine™ Nootropics
    Normalpris 399,-

    120 Rammer | 2880 dåser

    Office pack

    19.584 kr

    Ekskl. moms

    Prisen er ekskl. pant og ekskl. moms

    Vælg varianter‎*

    40 Rammer | 960 dåser

    Office pack

    6.912 kr

    Ekskl. moms

    Prisen er ekskl. pant og ekskl. moms

    Vælg varianter‎*

    20 Rammer | 480 dåser

    Office pack

    3.648 kr

    Ekskl. moms

    Prisen er ekskl. pant og ekskl. moms

    Vælg varianter‎*

    10 Rammer | 240 dåser

    Office pack

    1.920 kr

    Ekskl. moms

    Prisen er ekskl. pant og ekskl. moms

    Vælg varianter‎*

    Aktive ingredienser pr dåse

    VITAMIN CMG130163%
    Vitamin Dµg3,2565%


    Hver dåse nine™ FRESH LEMON indeholder 6,25g kulhydrat, hvilket svarer til 25 kalorier. I alt er der 32 kalorier i hver dåse nine™ FRESH LEMON. Resten af kalorierne kommer fra aminosyrer.

    Aktive ingredienser PR. 100 ML

    Vitaminer  %RI
    Vitamin CMG5265%
    Pentothensyre (Vit B5)MG0,813%
    Biotin (Vit B7)µG2040%
    Niacin (VIT B3)MG956%
    VITAMIN DMG1,326%
    CamelLia SinensisMG200 


    næringsindhold PR. 100 ML

    Vand, sukker, surhedsregulerende middel (citronsyre), taurin, surhedsregulerende middel (natriumcitrat), L-carnitin, cholin, te-ekstrakt (Camellia sinensis), magnesium citrat, pantothensyre, naturlig limearoma, naturlig citronaroma, L-ascorbinsyre, Koffein, L-tyrosin, Niacin, Biotin, Vitamin D, konserveringsmiddel (natrium benzoat), sødestoffer (acesulfam K, sukralose). Indeholder sukker og sødestoffer. Indeholder en phenylalaninkilde. Indeholder koffein (32mg/100ml). Indeholder 30mg epigallocatechin-3-gallat (EGCG) pr. dåse. Indtagelse af EGCG bør holdes under 800mg pr. dag.

    Bør ikke indtages af gravide eller ammende kvinder og børn under 11 år. Bør ikke indtages, hvis du samme dag indtager andre produkter, der indeholder grøn te. Bør ikke indtages på tom mave. Opbevares ved stuetemperatur og koldest ved +2 C. Bør nydes afkølet. Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for en varieret kost. Anbefalet daglig dosis 250 ml. Bør ikke overskrides. Produktet bør opbevares uden for små børns rækkevidde.

    Vand, surhedsregulerende middel (citronsyre), taurin, surhedsregulerende middel (natriumcitrat), L-carnitin, cholin, te-ekstrakt (Camellia sinensis), magnesium citrat, pantothensyre, naturlig ferskenaroma, L-ascorbinsyre, koffein, niacin, biotin, vitamin D, konserveringsmiddel (natrium benzoat), sødestoffer (acesulfam K, sukralose). Indeholder sødestoffer. Indeholder en phenylalaninkilde. Indeholder koffein (32mg/100ml). Indeholder 30 mg epigallocatechin-3-gallat (EGCG) pr. dåse. Indtagelse af EGCG bør holdes under 800mg pr. dag.

    Bør ikke indtages af gravide eller ammende kvinder og børn under 11 år. Bør ikke indtages, hvis du samme dag indtager andre produkter, der indeholder grøn te. Bør ikke indtages på tom mave. Opbevares ved stuetemperatur og koldest ved +2 C. Bør nydes afkølet.